Thursday, April 22, 2010

A New Balance With the Force

So I have been adjusting to being a father lately. It is the hardest thing that I have ever done. It has not been easy, but so far even though there have been bumps and beeps and boops along the way it has been totally worth it.

It has caused me to re-evaluate what I can and can not do with my free time, and that has been the part that has been so hard for me to deal with. Luckily, I have the best wife ever, and I love her dearly for being so patient and loving toward both me and our son.

Eli is growing like a weed, and as he gains new skills (like almost being able to support his own head weight, recognizing objects and learning that he can interact with them as well as precise motor control) it makes me want to help him along the way all the more. We have had problems learning when night is day and day is night, but his sleeping patterns have slowly gotten better. That means that Mom and Dad have been getting bits more sleep when we can and however we can. He is already growing out of 3 month old clothes, and he is only one and a half months old...he is a regular hosscat! He is starting to recognize that there are different times that he goes through each day, like wake up time, lunch time, play time, belly time and so forth. I am amazed at how much he has learned and how fast he is growing.

Anyway, back to the original reason why I am posting today: I have to find my new balance with The Force. I am learning how to manipulate it to certain degree, but to no lengths that Luke ever did (lest you think I am mad, I am using this as a metaphor). I have found that if I re-evaluate the way I think about how I feel and that I can control that...that gives me power. I have been given the advice recently that I am a very stubborn person. Thus I have transferred my stubbornness to becoming frustrated....I will simply CHOOSE to be more stubborn than my frustration, thus it will not be a factor in how I deal with daily things in my life. Through this maxim alone I have gained incredible patience with things that before hand I would find infuriating. It is only the first step, however. There is a long way to go and I am looking forward to going to therapy to help me deal with that.

Apart from this craziness that I am going through, I have no real nerd news to report. Oh only this:

That's right. That's Princess Leia. Friends over at ORCCA CAST managed to snag Carrie Fisher's autograph at the recent C2E2 convention. It is the greatest thing ever. Now all I have to do is manage to get Mark Hamill's autograph and I will be a happy man. (That plus the three other Ghostbusters that aren't Winston.) I know that I don't have too many readers, but this will hopefully be the last introspective post that I make for awhile. I hope that I can add to the nerdery in the near future. I have an idea for a post about my son's toys that he can't even play with at the moment....

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Excuse me while I Re-invent myself...

Okay, I know that I have not posted anything in a long while. I fully intend to...I just have taken the past few weeks to get used to having Baby Eli in my life. Understandably, it has been an interesting time for me. It has been the hardest thing that I have ever done. I have to thank my wife for standing by me and being there for me when I thought I would be on my own emotionally again. That just makes me love her all the more.

As far as myself goes, well...this Geek Dad needs some therapy. No, really. I am going to start attending some sort of Cognitive behavioral therapy in the near future. I need to learn how to deal with some of the very strong emotions that have been released the last few months...and I need to do it without putting stress on other people.

So what does this mean? It means that I may not be posting as regularly as I would like to online. I shall continue to do so in one form or another. I also would like to apologize because some of the content may be a little awkward and strange, but it will be entertaining in the very least!!!

So...bear with me. More will be coming soon. GO CHECK OUT ORCCA CAST WHILE YOU WAIT!!!